
[18] E. Sänger, S. Roy, ..., AK, et al., Tests of General Relativity with GW230529: a neutron star merging with a lower mass-gap compact object, arXiv:2406.03568 [gr-qc] (2024).
[17] AK, R. O'Shaughnessy, L. Wade, et al., Exploring hidden priors when interpreting gravitational wave and electromagnetic probes of the nuclear equation of state, arXiv:2405.17326 [astro-ph.HE] (2024).
[16] LIGO S.C., Virgo C. & KAGRA C., Observation of Gravitational Waves from the Coalescence of a 2.5-4.5 M_o; Compact Object and a Neutron Star, Astrophys. J. Lett. 970, L34 (2024).
[15] Y. Peng, M. Ristic, AK, et al., Kilonova Light-Curve Interpolation with Neural Networks, Phys. Rev. Res. 6, 033078 (2024).
[14] C. Fryer, A. Hungerford, ..., AK, et al., The Effect of the Velocity Distribution on Kilonova Emission, Astrophys. J. 961, 9 (2024).
[13] M. Ristic, R. O'Shaughnessy, ..., AK, Interpolated kilonova spectra models: Examining the effects of a phenomenological, blue component in the fitting of AT2017gfo spectra, Phys. Rev. Res. 5, 043106 (2023).
[12] AK, M. Ristic, R. O’Shaughnessy, et al., Surrogate light curve models for kilonovae with comprehensive wind ejecta outflows and parameter estimation for AT2017gfo, Phys. Rev. Res. 5, 013168 (2023).
[11] AK, H.I. Kim, I.-S. Suh, G.J. Mathews, Binary neutron star mergers as a probe of quark-hadron crossover equations of state, Phys. Rev. D 106, 103027 (2022).
[10] Y. Zlochower, S.R. Brandt*,...*, AK*, et al., The Einstein Toolkit (Version: The "Riemann" release, ET_2022_05), (2022, May 31). (*=co-second authors)
[9] AK, G.J. Mathews, H.I. Kim, I.-S. Suh, Binary neutron star mergers of quark matter based nuclear equations of state, EPJ Web of Conf. 260, 11004 (2022).
[8] M. Kusakabe, AK, G.J. Mathews, N. Sasankan, Distribution function of nuclei from e± scattering in the presence of a strong primordial magnetic field, Phys. Rev. D 104, 123534 (2021).
[7] AK, N. Sasankan, G.J. Mathews, M. Kusakabe, Simulations of multicomponent relativistic thermalization, Phys. Rev. E 103, 032101 (2021).
[6] G.J. Mathews, I.S. Suh, N.Q. Lan, AK, Conformally flat, quasi-circular numerical simulations of the gravitational wave chirp from binary neutron star merger GW170817, arXiv:2103.05082 [gr-qc] (2021).
[5] Z. Etienne, S.R. Brandt*,...*, AK*, et al., The Einstein Toolkit (Version: The "Lorentz" release, ET_2021_05), (2021, May 31). (*=co-second authors)
[4] N. Sasankan, AK, M. Kusakabe, G.J. Mathews, Analysis of the multicomponent relativistic Boltzmann equation for electron scattering in big bang nucleosynthesis, Phys. Rev. D 101, 123532 (2020).
[3] G.J. Mathews, AK, et al, Cosmological solutions to the Lithium problem, JPS Conf. Proc. 31, 011033 (2020), Mem. S.A.It. Vol. 91, 29-34 (2020).
[2] S.R. Brandt, B. Brendal*,...*, AK*, et al., The Einstein Toolkit (Version: The "Turing" release, ET_2020_05), (2020, May 30). (*=co-second authors)
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